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Jakub Kornhauser
PhD, anthropologist of culture, Doctor of Cultural and Religious Sciences, Assistant Professor in the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the Nicolaus Copernicus University (umk) in Toruń, where she works on the research project ‘Na drodze do animacji kultury. Interdyscyplinarne studium badawcze Interdyscyplinarnej Placówki Twórczo-Badawczej «Pracownia»’ (Towards Culture Animation. Interdisciplinary Research on Interdisciplinary Creative Research Center ‘Pracownia’). A graduate of the Institute of Polish Culture (uw) with the Culture Animation specialisation, where she completed her doctoral dissertation on Waldorf education. In 2021, she published her book Szkoła transformacji. O szkole waldorfskiej w dobie przełomu demokratycznego in the Kraków-based publishing house Oficyna Wydawnicza ‘Impuls’.
orcid: 0000-0002-9534-6463