Anita Wincencjusz‑Patyna
Art historian and critic, doctor of humanities in the field of art sciences. Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Art History and Philosophy at the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. Author of books and articles devoted to history and theory of illustration. Editor‑in‑chief of the publication Admirałowie wyobraźni. 100 lat polskiej ilustracji w książkach dla dzieci. (Admirals of Imagination. 100 Years of Polish Illustration in Children’s Books.) Member of the Polish Section of IBBY. Member of the jury of the national competitions PS IBBY ‘Book of the Year’ (in the graphic category), ‘Pióro Fredry’ (Fredro’s Quill), ‘Dobre Strony’ (Good Pages), and ‘Szkic ma moc’ (Sketch Has Power). Curator of exhibitions devoted to book illustration and contemporary art.
ORCID: 0000‑0001‑5473‑5721